Do you remember the Nicolas Cage movie from a few years ago by the title Gone in 60 seconds?
The movie’s promotional trailer went something like “Time to buy your tickets—3.2 minutes” “Time to get your popcorn—2.5 minutes” “Time it took them to steal your car—Sixty Seconds”
Research provided by the North American Telecommunications Association shows that 90% of callers to your business will be gone in Forty Seconds if, when you put them On-Hold, they hear silence.
And with the number of calls coming from cell phones at an all time high do you caller’s think their call has been dropped when they hear that silence?
If you play music on hold you can increase the average caller’s hold time by an additional 30 seconds.
But with a mix of music and informational messages about your products and services, locations, hours of operation and special offers callers will stay on the line for an average of three minutes. That’s 3 minutes that your caller is a captive audience with an interest in your business or practice. What’s that worth to your marketing efforts and bottom line?
The fact is that when you provide Information On Hold to your callers you’ll not only keep them from hanging up, you’ll be able to tell them more than they probably know about your business.